Skylands Visitor Demographics

Where Readers Live

50,000 readers have requested our publication.
Readers from around the world... and around the corner!

Skylands Visitor magazine and website has built relationships with readers from 31 years of publication and 25 years of internet presence. Each year we respond to thousands of inquiries for information. We maintain a mailing list, built one by one, from people who use our website subscription form or return a subscription coupon.

About 3/4 of readers live in New Jersey.

In New Jersey 45% are local (Northwest NJ),
29% are from Northeast NJ (Bergen, Passaic, Essex, Union, Hudson)
15% from Central Jersey (Middlesex, Monmouth, Mercer, Ocean)
9% from South Jersey.
New York and Pennsylvania account for another 6,000 requests.
The remainder come from the rest of the US and beyond.

Direct Mail

Each issue is mailed to 3,000 homes that are either long-term paid subscribers or have recently requested a copy of the magazine. The addresses for a recent mailing are plotted on this map.

Total Circulation: 15,000 copies each issue

For more about circulation, check here.
For all points of distribution, please check this map.
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